Recently retired? The freedom is wonderful, but sometimes you need a little structure in your day. If you want to continue to work, here are some fun jobs for retirees.


Do you have a skill or passion that will help others? A coach is someone who guides others to success, and the opportunities are endless. Middle and high schools often need help coaching their athletic teams. Or you could coach a math or chess team. Start your search at your local school district’s website or K-12 Job Spot. If you’d rather work with adults, you can become a life coach. A life coach helps people negotiate the tricky turns of life such as career changes, divorce, or empty-nest syndrome. Look for guidance and training at the National Coach Academy.

State or National Park Attendant

Do you love being outside? State parks hire part-time workers to work during the summer. Jobs include attending gates, clerical work, registering boats and campers, IT support, and trail maintenance. State budget cuts and low turnover make these jobs more challenging to find, but they are worth the extra effort. Find jobs in Hawaii (or your state) on the official state government job boards or the US National Park Service.

Culture Critic

Are you someone who appreciates the good life? Culture critics review almost everything people do for fun outside their homes – movies, restaurants, art exhibits, travel destinations, and live entertainment. The schedule can be erratic, but retirement gives you the flexibility you need. Culture critics often freelance for local papers and magazines. Or you can set up your own website or YouTube channel.

Mall Santa/Elf/Easter Bunny

Are you jolly? Malls hire people to play Santa, Elves, and the Easter Bunny for seasonal work. Some Santa’s hold more than 4000 children on their laps for gift conferencing and photos, so the job requires a positive attitude and joyful patience. Contact your local mall several months in advance to find out their hiring process. Some malls hire and train themselves, but many use one of the national staffing services like Noerr or The Best Santa Claus Agency.

RV Delivery Driver

Do you want to travel and make a little money? RV manufacturers and distributors often hire part-timers to drive RVs to dealers or new owners. This is also a great job if you are thinking about adopting the RV lifestyle. Let someone pay you to find out what size and class of RV fit your needs. Happy Vagabonds maintains a list of RV distributors who hire part-time drivers. Or you can search or Craigslist to find families who need an RV picked up or delivered.

If you do want to continue working after retirement, here are some fun jobs that will not only keep you busy but help you make some extra money too.